Refereed Publications

(including refereed proceedings)

(2022). Modeling the Transport of Relativistic Solar Protons along a Heliospheric Current Sheet during Historic GLE Events. ApJ.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2022). Energetic proton back-precipitation onto the solar atmosphere in relation to long-duration gamma-ray flares. A&A.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2021). The first widespread solar energetic particle event observed by Solar Orbiter on 2020 November 29. A&A.

Cite DOI

(2020). Perpendicular diffusion of solar energetic particles: When is the diffusion approximation valid?. Journal of Physics Conference Series.

Cite DOI

(2020). 3D propagation of relativistic solar protons through interplanetary space. A&A.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2020). Interplanetary Protons versus Interacting Protons in the 2017 September 10 Solar Eruptive Event. ApJ.

Cite DOI

(2018). Forecasting Solar Energetic Particle Fluence with Multi-Spacecraft Observations. Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2018). Application of Test Particle Simulations to Solar Energetic Particle Forecasting. Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts.

Cite DOI

(2018). The effect of turbulence strength on meandering field lines and Solar Energetic Particle event extents. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2017). Investigating the Origins of Two Extreme Solar Particle Events: Proton Source Profile and Associated Electromagnetic Emissions. ApJ.

Cite DOI

(2016). Solar energetic particle access to distant longitudes through turbulent field-line meandering. A&A.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2015). Drift-induced Deceleration of Solar Energetic Particles. ApJ.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2015). SPARX: A modeling system for Solar Energetic Particle Radiation Space Weather forecasting. Space Weather.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2014). Transmission and Emission of Solar Energetic Particles in Semi-transparent Shocks. ApJl.

Cite DOI

(2014). A semi-analytical foreshock model for energetic storm particle events inside 1 AU. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate.

Cite DOI

(2013). Solar energetic particle drifts in the Parker spiral. Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics).

Cite DOI arXiv

(2013). Drift-induced Perpendicular Transport of Solar Energetic Particles. ApJ.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2013). Particle scattering in turbulent plasmas with amplified wave modes. A&A.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2013). Energetic Particle Diffusion in Critically Balanced Turbulence. ApJ.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2012). Test-particle simulations of SEP propagation in IMF with large-scale fluctuations. Space Weather: the Space Radiation Environment: 11th Annual International AstroPhysics Conference.

Cite DOI

(2011). Isotopic Composition of Light Nuclei in Cosmic Rays: Results from AMS-01. ApJ.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2010). Relative Composition and Energy Spectra of Light Nuclei in Cosmic Rays: Results from AMS-01. ApJ.

Cite DOI

(2010). On the Effect of Pre-event Background in Determining Solar Particle Event Onset. Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference.

Cite DOI

(2010). Acceleration of Energetic Particles Through Self-Generated Waves in a Decelerating Coronal Shock. Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2009). Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Event Associated with a Decelerating Shock Wave. ApJl.

Cite DOI

(2009). Interstellar heliospheric probe/heliospheric boundary explorer mission—a mission to the outermost boundaries of the solar system. Experimental Astronomy.

Cite DOI

(2009). The Interstellar Heliopause Probe: Heliospheric Boundary Explorer Mission to the Interstellar Medium. Earth Moon and Planets.

Cite DOI

(2009). Observation of a solar energetic particle event behind previous coronal mass ejection. A&A.

Cite DOI

(2008). Simulations of coronal shock acceleration in self-generated turbulence. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.

Cite DOI

(2007). Turbulence transport and shock acceleration in solar corona. Turbulence and Nonlinear Processes in Astrophysical Plasmas.

Cite DOI

(2007). Cosmic-ray positron fraction measurement from 1 to 30 GeV with AMS-01. Physics Letters B.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2005). Proton and helium release times in SEP events observed with SOHO/ERNE. A&A.

Cite DOI

(2005). A study of cosmic ray secondaries induced by the Mir space station using AMS-01. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B.

Cite DOI arXiv

(2005). Modeling the Shock Aftermath Source of Energetic Particles in the Solar Corona. ApJ.

Cite DOI

(2005). Energetic particle signatures of geoeffective coronal mass ejections. Advances in Space Research.

Cite DOI

(2003). Toward a self-consistent treatment of the cyclotron wave heating and acceleration of the solar wind plasma. Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics).

Cite DOI

(2003). Shock acceleration of energetic particles in wave heated corona. Advances in Space Research.

Cite DOI

(2002). The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station: Part I - results from the test flight on the space shuttle. Phys. Rep..

Cite DOI

(2002). The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A.

Cite DOI

(2000). Helium in near Earth orbit. Physics Letters B.

Cite DOI

(2000). Cosmic protons. Physics Letters B.

Cite DOI

(2000). Solar energetic particle event and radio bursts associated with the 1996 July 9 flare and coronal mass ejection. A&A.


(2000). Leptons in near earth orbit. Physics Letters B.

Cite DOI

(2000). Protons in near earth orbit. Physics Letters B.

Cite DOI arXiv

(1999). Post-Impulsive-Phase Acceleration in a Wide Range of Solar Longitudes. Sol. Phys..

Cite DOI

(1999). A silicon microstrip tracker in space: experience with the AMS silicon tracker on STS-91.. Nuovo Cimento A Serie.


(1999). Search for antihelium in cosmic rays.. Physics Letters B.

Cite DOI arXiv

(1999). Interacting and Interplanetary Protons Accelerated on Diverging Magnetic Field Lines: Stochastic Acceleration. ApJ.

Cite DOI

(1999). Energetic (åisebox-0.5ex~10-65 MeV) protons observed by ERNE on August 13-14, 1996: Eruption on the solar back side as a possible source of the event. J. Geophys. Res..

Cite DOI

(1998). Energetic (ensuremath∼ 1 to 50 MeV) protons associated with Earth-directed coronal mass ejections. Geophys. Res. Lett..

Cite DOI

(1997). Recurrence of Energetic Particle Flux Anisotropy as Observed by ERNE on 9 July 1996. Sol. Phys..

Cite DOI

(1997). First Energetic Particle Events Observed by the ERNE Instrument. Sol. Phys..

Cite DOI

(1997). ERNE observations of energetic particle fluxes. Advances in Space Research.

Cite DOI