
I am a heliophysics researcher in the University of Central Lancashire. My work concentrates on transport of charged energetic particles in the heliosphere, particularly the cross-field transport of particles perpendicular to the mean magnetic field.

  • Solar Energetic Particles
  • Heliophysics in general
  • Space Weather
  • PhD in Physics, 2003

    University of Turku, Finland

  • Docent (Habilitation/Adjunct Professor) in Space Physics Physics, 2008

    University of Turku, Finland

  • UK Higher Education Academy Fellowship (ref. PR118156), 2016

    University of Central Lancashire, UK

  • MSc in Physics, 1997

    University of Turku, Finland


Aug 2010 – Present UK

Responsibilities include:

  • Research on Solar Energetic Particle Propagation in the heliosphere
  • Space Weather
  • Pursuing future projects
  • Student supervision on different levels
  • Teaching on Maths, Astrophysics and Distance-Learning Astronomy undergraduate programmes
Senior Assistant/University Lecturer (Eqv UK Senior Lecturer)
Jul 2005 – Aug 2010 Turku, Finland

Period includes 2 years as assistant (junior lecturer), 2005-2007.

Responsibilities included:

  • Research on Solar Energetic Particle observations and modelling
  • Space Weather
  • Pursuing future projects
  • Student supervision from MSc to PhD
  • Student Mentoring
  • Lectures at BSc and MSc levels
  • University administration at Department and Faculty level
Post-Doc stipendiate for European Research Training Network
Ruhr-University Bochum, Theoretische Physik IV
Jan 2004 – May 2004 Germany
Researcher/post-doctoral researcher (Academy of Finland funded)
Jul 2001 – Jul 2005 Turku, Finland
  • 2001-2003: Researcher on Space Weather for Antares Programme
  • 2003-2005: Academy of Finland Post-Doctoral Researcher


Thesis supervision

University of Turku, Finland:

  • Ph.D. Theses: 2
  • M.Sc. Theses: 8
  • B.Sc. Theses: 4 (one co-supervised)

University of Central Lancashire, UK

  • B.Sc. Dissertations: 3 (Astrophysics, Mathematics)
  • MPhys Dissertations: 1 (Astrophysics)
  • 63 publications in refereed journals
  • 8 publications in refereed proceedings
  • 19 invited conference and seminar talks
  • 14 publications in non-refereed proceedings
  • 52 contributed oral and poster presentations (only the ones as presenter)
  • H-index: 23 (ISI)
Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies
  • Royal Astronomical Society (RAS)
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • UK Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellow (FHEA)
Scientific Project Leadership
  • UCLan Project Leader in ESA SSA L5 modelling project (SSA P3-SWE-IV.2), to investigate use of L5 observations on CME and SEP modelling, 2020–
  • Turku PI for Academy of Finland -funded Helsinki/Turku Consortium “Energetic Particles and Turbulence in Coronal and Heliospheric Plasmas” (EPTUP) , with project #122041 “Plasma turbulence and energetic particles in the inner heliosphere” (PTEPIH), 2008–2011
  • Finnish PI for the co-operative project between University of Turku and Ruhr-University Bochum, “Collective Processes in Astrophysical Plasmas: Waves, Heating and Accelerated Particles” (COPAP), 2005 (last year of the project)
  • Finnish PI for the Finnish-German co-operative project between University of Turku, University of Helsinki, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universität Kiel and International Universität Bremen, “Interacting Solar and Heliospheric Disturbances and Their Significance for the Transport of Energetic Particles” (IDTRAP), 2006–2009
  • Finnish PI for the Finnish-German co-operative project between University of Turku, University of Helsinki, University of Würzburg, Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Universität Kiel, “Plasma interactions in Coronal Mass Ejections” (PICME), 2009-2011
Commissions of Trust
  • Scientific Editor for Journal ASTRA (Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions), 2005–2013
  • NASA: HSR Particles Grant Panel, 2015
  • NSF (USA): SHINE Grant Panel, 2013; Proposal Reviewer, 2004
  • Scientific Reviewer for Astrophysical Journal, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Space Science Reviews, Advances in Space Research, ASTRA, 2004 –
Conference and Seminar organisation
  • LOC, European Week of Space Weather, Glasgow, 2021
  • LOC, European Week of Space Weather, online 2020
  • SOC, RAS Specialist meeting on Energetic particles in the heliosphere and their influence on space weather and space climate, London, UK, 2014.
  • SOC, Finnish-German workshop on Collective Processes in Astrophysical Plasmas, Turku, Finland, 2004.
  • Session co-organiser, European Geophysical Union meeting 2016, Session ST 4.3, “Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere and their Influence on Space Weather, Space Climate and the Terrestrial Atmosphere”, 2016.
  • Session co-organiser, NAM 2016, session “Particle acceleration and transport from the Sun to the outer heliosphere”, 2016.
  • LOC, 22nd European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turku, Finland, 2010.
Public Outreach
  • Solar Day presentation, local amateur astronomy society, IHY online(International Heliospheric Year) Solar Day, June 2007, Turku, Finland
  • Presentations of Space Research Laboratory’s work and research intrerests for various student and general public groups, 2000–2010, University of Turku, Finland
  • UK Solar Physics Nugget no.25, (
  • Talk on ``Observing the Sun’’ to school students at Alston Observatory, March 2013, Preston, UK
  • Public talk at the Society for Popular Astronomy Meeting on ``Solar Eruptions and Space Weather’’, May 2013, Preston, UK
  • Public talk at the Huddersfield Astronomical and Philosophical Society, on ``Space Weather – Solar Storms from the Sun to the Earth’’, September 2013, Huddersfield, UK
  • Public talk at the South Cheshire Astronomical Society, on ``Solar Eruptions and Space Weather’’, September 2015, Crewe, UK
  • Newspaper article contribution on aurorae in Lancashire, 2015
  • AstroFest, promoting learning of Astronomy, February 2013–2014 London, UK